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General information
Accrophil was designed to make the sale of your items the easiest and the fastest possible.

There are 3 ways to sale on Accrophil :
  • from sell your item form
  • by making a similar sale
  • by making an identical sale
The sell your item form
the sell your item is mainly form the ‘sell’ menu located int the menu zone on the left of the homepage.
It can also be done from the shop (My shop/new sale) or from the quick launch menu ‘seller’s desktop/sell' located in the upper part of the site. catégorie principale The main category is selected by clicking on the desired categories and subcategories. The main category is displayed under the selection zone :

catégorie pricipale

Secondary category is selected by clicking on the desired categories and subcategories. The selected secondary category is displayed under the selection zone :

The secondary category is optional. The little red cross on the right allows to delete the selected secondary category. .

The item title has to be entered.

Advise : formulate the title with keywords likely to be sought. Futhermore titles of your items are indexed in Google.


General information

Accrophil was designed to make the sale of your items the easiest and the fastest possible.

The outstanding feature of Accrophil compared to other auction sites is that the buyer has a cart. This allows flexibility in the purchasing process.

This shopping cart is available in the top right of the screen if it contains at least one article.

Cart operating principle is as follow:

  • A buyer puts the items in is cart (fixed price purchase and/or auctions)
  • when he completed his purchases he validates his cart

Important notices :

  • to avoid sellers to have items locked for too long, cart not validated for 8 days will be automatically
  • a buyer who does not validate the cart several times will be deleted from the site because this state of affairs is detrimental to the seller, but also for the site because it requires mais aussi pour le site car cela demande des maintenance opérations (up messages, readjustment commisions...)
  • when an auction ends, quand une enchère se termine, it ends up on the cart to whom wins the auction.

Step by step operation

You will find below the sequential operations of the purchasing process.

1. feed your cart by selecting an item (click on add to cart in the item material) - reminder : the winning auctions are automatically added to the cart

2. validate your cart as soon as possible at the end of your purchase (8 days maximum) :

  • click on the cart on the top right of the screen (if you do not see the cart, modify your screen resolution parameters)
  • possibly remove items or change a quantity of items (in this case then click 'update cart' to update the amount of it and take into account changes)
  • select your payment method select your payment method through the list (transfer by default - well check the conditions of selling your vendor to see if it accepts your way payment)
  • eventually add a message to the seller in the text box provided for this purpose
  • click on validate the cart.

3. the seller received your payment request and will send you the invoice according to the information you gave.


General information

Accrophil was designed to facilitate your purchases and sales.

All operations of a transaction between a seller and a buyer is called buy-sale process.

These operations are necessary and mandatory so that both parties are informed of the status of the transaction.

You will find below all the operations to be performed as part of the transaction process.

Important notes :

- a transaction can not be archived unless critical operations have been completed. A message will appear in green down list of a transaction and show archivable transaction

- this process starts when the buyer validates his cart. It ends when the buyer enter his evaluation.

Detailed process

You will find below the sequential operations of purchase and sale process.

  1. the buyer just validates his cart for a seller : this seller receives the invoices request stating in particular the payment method requested by the buyer
  2. the seller can establish the invoice and send it to the buyer
  3. the buyer receives the invoice and proceed to payment
  4. the seller says on their 'manage sales' payment has been received. To do so he clicks on the link mark as paid and the small corresponding indicator takes the color yellow
  5. the seller evaluate the buyer unsing the link evaluate on the same page, the corresponding indicator takes the color yellow
  6. the seller proceed to shipment and indicates that the shipment is made using the link marked as sentand the indicator takes the color yellow
  7. upon receipt of the shipment, the buyer indicates that it is received via the link order received and the indicator takes the color yellow
  8. the buyer evaluate the transaction, the indicator takes the color yellow.


General information

You can be part of the group of friends of Accrophil.

This approach is not mandatory, you can register on the site for free without participating in this action.

Before making your decision, thank you to read the next few lines.

Be part of Friends does not grant any specific advantage, apart from access to a private forum and automatic certification. On Accrophil, each member is treated in the same way and with the same attention.

Be a friend on Accrophil is primarily a state of mind : it is a commitment by a small financial contribution to support the site, help others in the use of the site, give an informed opinion on the evolution of the site, to actively promote the site, to show courtesy and restraint in his writings on the forum, etc...

This is by no means any form of obtaining privileges, much less bigotry. It is an act of volunteering.


You will find below the steps to follow to be part of Accrophil Friends.

  1. Contact me by the means at your convenience to let me know your requirements
  2. set an annual voluntary contribution and non-refundable 20 euros minimum by means for you, morally committing to renew your participation next year. The amount is fully invested in developments of the site (Monthly balance sheet will reflect it)
  3. from regulation: a small symbol will appear on your profile picture (it is advisable to put one in all cases), you will be able to access the forum of friends of Accrophils friends, you will be registered as a certified member even if your evaluation quota is not reached (reminder : certification is free on Accrophil as soon as the requested number of evaluation is reached)

Counting on seing you soon in the group fo friends : Accrophil needs your support a besoin de votre soutien, both moral and financial.

Thank you in advance, Jean-Michel, creator and administrator of Accrophil.

Click on the link to be Accrophil’s friend